Today, let us pray that God will bless the day and be in charge of all our Leaders, let Him guide them through:
work they must accomplish
conversations that need to occur
decisions that must be made
projects they must start or finish
concerns for all of the People of Our Nation
understanding the issues that might confront them
building new relationships to preserve our Nations unity and strength
thoughts that are not glorifying to God
wrong words they have spoken and critical thoughts they have had
fear due to doubting God
secret attitudes that do not please the Lord or bless our Nation
dishonesty and lies that lead to lack of integrity
rudeness or impatience with people that disagree with them
to remove lovelessness and insensitivity to the needs of others
removing the spirit of jealousy
removing the spirit of prideful attitudes and arrogance and lack of generosity
discontentment with their life
lack of faith in our Lord
Let us pray and ask God everyday to show all our Leaders the truth about themselves and never overlook the need of our Nation and all the People they have been elected to serve and care for.
Submit yourselves there to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you -- James 4:7